We know the sports industry inside out and help organizations find the talent they need.
Our international positioning gives us a unique advantage in the market. We are committed to the professionalization of the sports industry.

What we do

We select
talent around the world for companies and organisations linked to the sports industry.

We connect
the specific needs of each client with the most outstanding professionals.

We guide
candidates to grow and develop in the leading organisations of the sports industry.
We focus on

- Executive Directors ->
- Sales & Marketing ->
- Comunication & Public Relations ->
- International Development ->
- Legal, Administration and Finance ->
- Big Data & Fan engagement ->
- Sponsorship management ->
The sports industry is going to need to be run more professionally because the competition is going to be huge. There is going to be no place for amateurism.
— Sir Martin Sorrell, Executive Chairman – S4 Capital

Who we are
As in sport, teamwork is the basis for the success of WFS Talent, a project that combines the knowledge and experience of two brands that are benchmarks in their sectors and that share a commitment to the professionalization of sport.
World Football Summit is the leading networking platform for the football industry, the meeting point of the most influential community in the sports business. It holds deep knowledge of the market and a network of contacts that spans across all five continents.
AltoPartners has assisted clients in identifying and developing world-class leadership teams and managers for 20 years and has a long-track record of success, matching talent to client needs, and treating candidates with care and respect.
The combination of these two brands makes WFS Talent the perfect partner to find the best talent, increase your business productivity and take your standards, culture and legacy to a higher level.

WFS Talent helps Public Administrations, organisations, companies or social entities to set up an operating culture where the values of equality and diversity are present.
We advise companies in the negotiation and implementation of equality plans. We know that correctly implementing an Equality Plan is not an easy task for companies, given the difficulties of technical preparation and specific training in equality of the parties involved in the negotiation processes.
For this reason, we accompany during all the phases of the process of approval of the Equality Plan. We offer specialised and comprehensive advice so that the Equality Plan becomes a decisive factor in business success.
The Equality Law introduced the obligation for companies with more than 250 workers to have an equality plan, which was reviewed by RD 6/2019, reducing this obligation to 50 workers.
Recently, RD 901/2020 of 13 October on equality plans specifies some aspects that were not detailed, such as the obligation of companies to have salary audits, the content of the plan, the functions of the Equality Commission and the register; RD 902/2020 on equal pay, of the same date, imposes the obligation to have salary registers from April 2021.
All these equality measures are a legal obligation for companies with more than 50 workers, but it also becomes a factor of competitiveness and offers the opportunity to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of companies.

We plan, manage and develop congresses, forums and activities to raise awareness and sensitize the organizations to equality, diversity and the fight against gender violence.

We offer personalised and specialised services, with an involved and fully available team, with continuous attention to our clients, as well as the quality, preparation and experience necessary to carry out these activities.

We bring the value of the uniqueness and diversity of the areas in which we work: gender and diversity, with innovative and quality services.

If you’re a candidate looking to work in the sports industry please fill in the following form and upload your CV.

Contact us
Calle Ruíz 22, 1D, 28004
Madrid – SPAIN

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships
— Michael Jordan